
Skirt: PINE. Cropped vest: American Apparel. 
Clogs: Jeffery Cmpbell

Myself and the beautiful boy are on vacation in Spain. It's so nice to just do nothing and relax. We had a hectic month moving and decorating our new place and so  this vacation is a well needed rest.

We are staying in one of the nicest hotels that I've ever been to. Seriously. I've stayed in some nice places in my time but this place is beyond gorgeous. It has only six suites so the hotel fees very intimate and almost like it's your own house. Our suite is so pretty. You can see the tiled floor above. It's HUGE! It's bigger then my entire apartment in New York! The boy is taking lots of pictures of this place so I'll do a full post about it soon.

In clothes related news: This is the lightest I've EVER packed! We took just one case between us and I only packed things that could be rolled up. I feel very proud of myself :)

Adios my lovelies! x

Update: This is my hair in it's natural state. No blow drying, just wash and go. I haven't cut it but it's very curly naturally that's why it appears shorter... And of course there are no extensions in these pictures! :)
